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appearing in grain fields all over the earth during the last few decades. They appear suddenly, usually at night. At first they were simple circles of bent-over grain stalks. Soon a new crop of more elaborate designs evolved—geometric forms reminiscent of profound mathematical theorems.
Some cerealogists (people who study crop circles) say that these diagrams must be created by intelligent alien beings from elsewhere. Even though these diagrams must be constructed in a very short timespan, the genuine crop circles never show any serious mistakes or blunders of execution. Cerealogists see this as evidence that the aliens must be very intelligent and much more advanced than we are. That's mere speculation, of course. Others say the real reason is that there's a worldwide conspiracy to hide the fact that the aliens sometimes do make mistakes. This coverup is carried out by people who want to preserve the myth that the aliens are a perfect race. The fact that you've never heard of such crop circle blunders just shows how effective this coverup is, they say. Mistakes are repaired at the site, or sometimes photographs of the circles are retouched. This has about as much to recommend it as any of the other conspiracy theories accepted and believed by simple-minded people.
Let's look at more plausible explanations. Actually, a few designs do seem at first to have apparent irregularities or flaws. Some of these are surely caused by wind or rain, careless hoaxers or the trampling feet of crop circle buffs. But let's set those aside and look only at those that are genuine and undisturbed. What appear at first to be iregularities or errors, may only be perfection of a higher and subtler kind, that we do not as yet understand.
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Crop circles made by aliens? |
Why should supposedly intelligent aliens travel huge cosmic distances across the galaxy just to doodle in our grain fields? What an absurd idea! [1] No one has ever seen them doing it, have they? Usually there aren't even any ufo sightings associated with the circles, except for those reported after the fact by people with overactive imaginations. Surely intelligent aliens have better things to do. The true origin of crop circle designs may be nearer to home.
The whole thing begins to make sense once we realize that the earth is flat. We live on the backside of a huge flat blackboard (whiteboard, scratch paper, or whatever) used by aliens in their schools and universities. There are many of these in the universe. The flat disk of the earth is thin enough that student doodles made in alien art and math classes "bleed through" to our side. This happens because their writing instruments emit mitogenetic radiation (M-rays) that are well known to affect some living plants, especially wheat, barley, oats and corn. [2] M-rays weaken the stalk structure near the ground, and the stalks bend over gently to lie flat on the ground, showing no evidence of forceful breaking. So the crop circles in grain fields are nothing more than the reverse pattern of alien students' diagrams made in geometry class.
Look carefully at photos of crop circles in books and on the internet, and a striking fact emerges. Crop circle designs are constructed from circular arcs and straight lines. Even the more complex crop circles, including those made to look like Mandelbrot sets, or the head of Mickey Mouse ©, conform to this rule. All crop circles can be constructed using the standard methods of Euclidean geometry. This should tell us something. The aliens making these drawings must be using ungraduated rulers and compases. [3] Has anyone ever seen a crop circle based on the form of a pentagon?
It's true that a few designs have straight lines and curves that seem at first to be more complex than circles. But we must remember that straight lines are simply circles of infinite radius. Any complex curves can be constructed approximately from circular arc segments of different radius.
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Did they use a ruler? |
There's good evidence that aliens have been defacing the earth's surface with geological grafitti for a very long time. The curious lines and drawings on the Nazca plain in Peru likely have the same cause. At that earlier time in history the aliens had only primitive writing instruments. They were still using "pens" made of inorganic material, that emit E-rays (Earth rays). These only affect non-living things. Sand on flat ground is easily moved around with very little energy. The sandy surface of the Nazca plain acted like a giant Etch-A-Sketch ®. No advanced mathematical figures are found at Nazca, only long straight lines, pictures and geometric doodles. Obviously the aliens weren't as scientifically advanced then. Then why are the lines so perfect, and the straight lines so straight? The reason is quite simple: on their side of the blackboard the aliens used rulers.
A number of commentators claim to have proven to their own satisfaction that the Ancient Egyptians didn't have the resources or technology to build the pyramids. Could it be that the pyramids of Egypt were built by alien kids, who, in a playful mood, pushed their play blocks into their blackboard, all the way through, coming up point first on our side? Following this line of reasoning, perhaps Stonehenge and similar structures are the result of an alien children's game in which stone pegs are pushed into a geometric array of holes
Crop Circles
Circle Makers
Within this site you will find a wealth of information by and about England's crop circlemakers. You'll be able to learn how to become a circlemaker using our easy to follow 'Beginners Guide'. -
Crop Circle Quest
Information about crop circle formations in Western Canada that have been personally visited by the author. -
Crop Circle Secrets
Crop circles news and research by bestselling author Freddy Silva. Features information, images, and links to books and other resources. -
Michael Glickman on Crop Circles
This site is a vehicle for observations and analyses, intuitions and commentaries, surprises and, occasionally, disappointments about the crop circle phenomena for as long as possible. -
Temporary Temples
Temporary Temples offers information about the very latest crop circles, including a massive high quality crop circle image library, online store, crop circle blogs and formation visitor guides.
Searching for ET
SETI at Home
SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. -
SETI Institute
Official website for SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, an exploratory science that seeks evidence of life in the universe by looking for some signature of its technology. -
SETI League
The SETI League, Inc. is a membership-supported, nonprofit educational and scientific organization, devoted to privatizing the electromagnetic Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. -
SETI Research Australia
The S.E.T.I Research & Community Development Institute Limited web Site was developed to keep visitors informed about the happenings and ongoing work of the Amateur SETI movement in Australia.
UFO Organizations
British UFO Research Association (BUFORA)
Official website of BUFORA, a UK organization dedicated to investigating UFO phenomena in the British Isles. -
Computer UFO Network (CUFON)
CUFON is an organization dedicated to providing a free, 24-hour, public source of reliable, verifiable information about the UFO phenomenon. -
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
As the world's oldest and largest investigative body into the UFO phenomenon, MUFON aims to be the refuge for inquisitive minds seeking answers to that most ancient of questions, "Are we alone in the universe?" -
National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC)
The web's most comprehensive and up to date UFO information source. Provided by America's foremost UFO reporting agency in continuous operation since 1974.
This massive 780-foot (238 meters) crop circle appeared in 2001 in the remote area of Milk Hill in Wiltshire, England. The elaborate design is composed of 409 circles that form a pattern called a double, or six-sided, triskelion, which is a motif consisting of three interlocking spirals.(Image: © Handy Marks | public domain)Crop circles — strange patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers' fields—provoke puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public alike. The circles are mostly found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to dozens of countries around the world in past decades. The mystery has inspired countless books, blogs, fan groups, researchers (dubbed "cereologists") and even Hollywood films.
Despite having been studied for decades, the question remains: Who — or what — is making them?
Many people believe that crop circles have been reported for centuries, a claim repeated in many books and websites devoted to the mystery. Their primary piece of evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a field of oat stalks laid out in a circle. Some take this to be a first-hand eyewitness account of a crop circle, but a little historical investigation shows otherwise.
Early crop circles
The woodcut actually illustrates what in folklore is called a "mowing devil" legend, in which an English farmer told a worker with whom he was feuding that he "would rather pay the Devil himself" to cut his oat field than pay the fee demanded. The source of the harvesting is not unknown or mysterious; it is indeed Satan himself, who — complete with signature horns and a tail — can be seen in the woodcut holding a scythe.
Some claim that the first crop circles (though they were not called that at the time) appeared near the small town of Tully, Australia. In 1966, a farmer said he saw a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away; when he went to investigate he saw a roughly circular area of debris and apparently flattened reeds and grass, which he assumed had been made by the alien spacecraft (but which police investigators said was likely caused by a natural phenomena such as a dust devil or waterspout). Referred in the press as "flying saucer nests," this story is more a UFO report than a crop circle report.
As in the 1678 mowing devil legend, the case for it being linked to crop circles is especially weak when we consider that the impression or formation was not made in a crop of any kind but instead in ordinary grass. A round impression in a lawn or grassy area is not necessarily mysterious (as anyone with a kiddie pool in the back yard knows). Indeed, mysterious circles have appeared in grass throughout the world that are sometimes attributed to fairies but instead caused by disease.
Modern crop circles
In fact, the first real crop circles didn't appear until the 1970s, when simple circles began appearing in the English countryside. The number and complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate circles were produced, including those illustrating complex mathematical equations.
In July 1996, one of the world's most complex and spectacular crop circles appeared in England, across a highway from the mysterious and world-famous Stonehenge monument in the Wiltshire countryside. It was astonishing fractal pattern called a Julia Set, and while some simple or rough circles might be explained away as the result of a strange weather phenomenon, this one unmistakably demonstrated intelligence. The only question was whether that intelligence was terrestrial or extra-terrestrial.
Making the design all the more mysterious, it was claimed that the circle appeared in less than an hour and during the daytime — which, if true, would be virtually impossible for hoaxers to accomplish. The circle became one of the most famous and important crop circles in history.
It was later revealed that the circle had in fact been made in about three hours (by three hoaxers) very early that morning. It simply hadn't been noticed until the following afternoon when spotted from an airplane overhead.
Theories & explanationsUnlike other mysterious phenomenon such as psychic powers, ghosts, or Bigfoot, there is no doubt that crop circles are "real." The evidence that they exist is clear and overwhelming. The real question is instead what creates them — and there are ways to investigate that question.
We can look at both internal and external evidence to evaluate crop circles. Internal information includes the content and meaning of the designs (is there anything that indicates that any information contained in the "messages" is of extraterrestrial origin?), and external information, including the physical construction of the crop designs themselves (is there anything that indicates that the designs were created by anything other than humans?)
Crop circle enthusiasts have come up with many theories about what create the patterns, ranging from the plausible to the absurd. One explanation in vogue in the early 1980s was that the mysterious circle patterns were accidentally produced by the especially vigorous sexual activity of horny hedgehogs. Some people have suggested that the circles are somehow created by localized and precise wind patterns, or by scientifically undetectable Earth energy fields and meridians called ley lines.
Others, such as molecular biologist Horace Drew, suggest that the answer lies instead in time travel or alien life. He theorizes that the patterns could be made by human time travelers from the distant future to help them navigate our planet. Drew, working on the assumption that the designs are intended as messages, believes he has decoded crop circle symbols and that they contain messages such as "Believe," "There is good out there," "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises," and "We oppose deception" (all, presumably, in English).
However, these odd, pseudo-biblical messages undermine the credibility of the crop circles, or at least the meaning read into them. Of all the information that an extraterrestrial intelligence might choose to convey to humanity — ranging from how to contact them to engineering secrets of faster-than-light travel — these aliens chose to impart intentionally cryptic messages about false gifts, broken promises, and hope for mankind (along with what seems to be a reference to a popular "The X-Files" slogan).
Many who favor an extraterrestrial explanation claim that aliens physically make the patterns themselves from spaceships; others suggest that they do it using invisible energy beams from space, saving them the trip down here. Still others believe that it is human, not extraterrestrial, thought and intelligence that is behind the patterns — not in the form of hoaxers but some sort of global psychic power that manifests itself in wheat and other crops.
While there are countless theories, the only known, proven cause of crop circles is humans. Their origin remained a mystery until September 1991, when two men confessed that they had created the patterns for decades as a prank to make people think UFOs had landed (they had been inspired by the 1966 Tully UFO report). They never claimed to have made all the circles — many were copycat pranks done by others — but their hoax launched the crop circle phenomena.
Most crop circle researchers admit that the vast majority of crop circles are created by hoaxers. But, they claim, there's a remaining tiny percentage that they can't explain. The real problem is that (despite unproven claims by a few researchers that stalks found inside "real" crop circles show unusual characteristics), there is no reliable scientific way to distinguish "real" crop circles from man-made ones.
Crop circle featuresWhile there are always a few exceptions, virtually all crop circles share a set of common characteristics.
Circles. Crop circles, as the name implies, almost always involve circles — rarely triangles, rectangles, or squares, though some designs contain straight or curved lines. Perhaps not coincidentally, a circle is the easiest pattern for hoaxers to create.
Nocturnal creation. Crop circles are formed overnight, often sighted by farmers or passersby the next morning. Though there seems no logical reason for extraterrestrials or earth energies to only create patterns at night, it is obviously a great advantage for hoaxers to create the designs under the cover of darkness; full moon nights are especially popular.
Camera shyness. Crop circles have never been recorded being made (except, of course, for those created by hoaxers). This is a very suspicious trait; after all, if mysterious earthly forces or aliens are at work, there's no reason to think that they wouldn't happen when cameras are recording.
Access to roads. Crop circles usually appear in fields that provide reasonably easy public access, close to roads and highways. They rarely appear in remote, inaccessible areas. Because of this, the patterns are usually noticed within a day or two of their creation by passing motorists.
There are many theories about what creates crop circles, including aliens, mysterious vortices, time travelers and wind patterns, but they all lack one important element: good evidence. The only known cause of crop circles is humans. Perhaps one day a mysterious, unknown source will be discovered for crop circles, but until the perhaps they are best thought of as collective public art.
In order to help spread awareness and promote public discussion and research of crop circles, I would encourage all newcomers to the subject to try to obtain as much information as possible. To this end, I've personally visited and recommend the following crop circle related web sites.
Rather than just have a huge list of miscellaneous links, I've tried to choose sites which I believe share my own philosophy of sharing information and knowledge. I apologise if I've missed out any sites, but as you can imagine there are no doubt thousands of hobbiest sites around the world which I've possibly missed. If you would like to recommend a good one, please contact me and I may add it to the list below.
We would appreciate a reciprocal link from your site, so if you would like to add our banner to your site, please link back to http://www.cropcircleresearch.com
Crop Circle Secrets
Freddy Silva's award winning site - and sister site to this one.
The Crop Circle Website
Part of David Kingston's University of Life web site.
The Crop Circle Archive
Another excellent online crop circle database.
Crop circles and sacred sites tours
Research pages and US east coast crop circle conference organisers.
We are offering our 10 day Crop Circles and Sacred Sites tour again this summer.
Crop Circle Info
The Research and Findings of Crop Circle Pioneer Researcher Colin Andrews.
Lucy Pringle's Homepage
Lucy's excellent online gallery of crop circle photos in addition to her articles and human effects research.
Crop Circle News
Good news portal and discussion forum site.
Crop Circle Science
An independent community for the exploration of the crop circle phenomenon, edited by Andreas Mueller.
Swirled News
Informed, up-to-date reports, reviews and commentary on the latest happenings in the world of crop circles, provided by the Southern Circular Research organisation.
The Crop Circle Explorer
Dr John Sherwood's excellent, resource packed site.
Temporary Temples
The photographs and articles of Steve Alexander and Karen Douglas.
The Crop Circle Connector
One of the biggest and best crop circle web sites on the web. A must visit!
Crop Circles: Quest for Truth
The official site for William Gazecki's brilliant documentary on the crop circle enigma.
Crop Circle Answers
Scientific Research into the Worldwide Crop Circle Phenomenon by Ed and Kris Sherwood
Global Circles
Home of The Cereologist Magazine, edited by John Sayer.
Midwest Research
Developing and performing special projects in the realm of New Sciences.
An excellent site, containing the Italian Crop Circle Database.
Canadian Crop Circle Research Network
Paul Anderson's Research Group
Jupiter Powerwear
High quality t-shirts with crop circle designs.
FGK Homepage
Home of the German research group.
The Dutch Crop Circle Archive, edited by Robert Boerman.
Crop Circle Radius
The Research of Michael Glickman and Patricia Murray
Crop Circles in and around the village of Findon in West Sussex
Great Dreams
Crop Circles - Their Meaning and Connection to Dreams. Research by Joe Mason.
Busty Taylor's Homepage
Busty is one of the founders of modern crop circle research, and a pioneering aerial photographer.
Another excellent German site.
Crop Circles: Research Of Truth
Crop Circles Research of Truth is born after twelve years of studies about the Crop Circle phenomenon with the will to clear up events both worrying and fascinating.
Home of self-proclaimed circlemakers. This impressive and well designed site claims that all Britain's circles are man made.... We disagree, but hey! we're into free speech and democracy!
Total Human Solution
Taking the sceptical point of view, Total Human Solution attempts to demonstrate that certain effects/anomalies found within crop circles do not necessarily discount human involvement, contrary to belief.
Web sites on related subjects
I have now moved this to its own separate page. The following topics are available:-
- Abduction Experiences
- Activist Groups/Human Rights
- Ancient Wisdom/Technology
- Cosmic Consciousness, Spiritual Thinking & Meditations
- Conspiracies, Suppressed Information & Government Involvement
- Free Energy & New Technology
- Freemasonry & Secret Societies
- Free Thinking and Philosophical Democracy
- Ghosts and Hauntings
- Magazines
- Mathematics, Gematria & Sacred Geometry
- Miscellaneous Topics
- Mythology/Ancient History
- Usenet Newsgroups
- Paranormal Subjects
- Sacred Sites & Earth Mysteries
- Religion
- Sceptics, Debunking and Misinformation
- Science and Metascience
- Sound & Harmonics
- Space, Astronomy & NASA
- UFOs, Extraterrestrials & Aliens
- The X Files
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