
UFO Sighting Maps


This Map Shows UFO Hot Spots Across the United States


Data comes from the National UFO Reporting Center.

Since 1947 when Kenneth Arnold first reported a "flying saucer" over Washington, UFOs have been in the public imagination. The communities who believe in them are divided on what they are—the most common answer is "aliens," but there are a large number who would say they're high tech government tests of futuristic aircraft. And of course, the skeptics go with swamp gas, mistaken airplanes, Venus, high altitude balloons, or whatever else.

This map, created by Max Galka, doesn't say what UFOs are or aren't. But what it does is something even more fascinating: it applies data science to an area considered by many to be a psuedoscience.

Galka worked with the National UFO Reporting Center to generate a geographic visualization of where UFO sightings are taking place. The bright green points on the map correspond to a specific sighting. Click, and there's more detail, generated from the reports, and broken down by the number of witnesses.

"The first thing that struck me was how big some of the mass sightings actually were," he told Motherboard. "I had always thought of UFO sightings as urban legend. But when thousands of people witness something in the sky that they cannot explain, that's not urban legend, it's a real life mystery."

Galka also wrote a blog post that looks at frequency by time of year, proximity to airports, rocket launches, and meteor showers. While some of it was inconclusive, one thing does stand out: there's a huge spike on July 4th, and many of those sightings report fireworks, as Galka points out.

Since it's using user generated information, expect spellings like "freeky" and "constilation." But also expect a deep, fascinating dive into what's a modern day folklore to some, and evidence of a cover-up to others.



 Google UFO Map


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This map shows reports of UFO sightings in the United States, with historic UFO sightings symbolized in yellow, and featured in the Historical Reports widget. The map is part of a 
larger analysis on the NUFORC UFO Sightings dataset published on Kaggle

The dataset contains over 80,000 records of UFO sightings over the past century (between 1910 and 2014), and the data displayed lapses from year to year. You can control which year's data is displayed using the Time Widget at the bottom of the map.

In this map, you can drive an investigation on reported UFO shapes of the top 10 states with the most UFO sightings using the Reported Shapes widget, and try to spot any geographic trends on the shapes of the reported UFOs. 

Curious about UFO sightings in your area? Click the Near Me icon and type in your address to check UFO reports placed near you.

The Most Credible UFO Sightings And An Interactive Map

Based on data from the National UFO Reporting Center, the map below displays over 90,000 reports of UFO sightings dating back to 1905. Each circle corresponds to a reported UFO, with the size representing the number of reports received.  Thanks also to the Mutual UFO Network for allowing me to reproduce images and videos from their website.

Alien hunters think they’ve found a UFO on Google Maps

True believers are over the moon about a gray spherical orb spotted on a Google Earth image from upstate New York — proof positive, they claim, that aliens paid the bucolic region a visit.

The images were posted this week in a YouTube video titled “Sphere UFO Found on Google Earth Map” published by the user “UFOmania – The truth is out there.”

According to the short clip – which has been viewed more than 28,000 times — the mysterious sphere was spotted on the edge of Lake George.

“Many past UFO reports describe round sphere UFO’s and it does seem to be the most common shape of UFO’s around the world,” a female robotic voice narrating the video says.



UFO Sightings Map

Based on data from the National UFO Reporting Center, the map below displays over 90,000 reports of UFO sightings dating back to 1905. Each circle corresponds to a reported UFO, with the size representing the number of reports received.  Thanks also to the Mutual UFO Network for allowing me to reproduce images and videos from their website.


Google Maps
UFO Sighting Maps

What’s a UFO?

A UFO is anything in the sky that can’t be identified. In the late 1940s, the US Air Force started using the phrase “unidentified flying object” to describe any type of mysterious aircraft. When we hear the word UFO, we might start thinking of flying saucers filled with green aliens. The truth is less exciting. Most UFOs are later identified as drones, satellites, or weather balloons. But even after decades of research, up to 5% of UFO reports remain unexplained. Is this proof of alien visitation? Or just an elaborate 60-year hoax?



It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s just a good ol’ UFO.

There are sightings of UFOs (aka unidentified flying object) regularly in Canada.

From flashing lights, to beams and orbs, Canadians have spotted many UFOs throughout the years. And there’s a website tracking UFO sightings for those interested.

UFO Stalker has a map that shows all the sightings reported in the country. The user-generated map allows the UFO spotters to upload photos and describe the unidentified object seen.

“Went out in the back yard with my two dogs and saw above my townhome approx 4-5 foggy oval lights circling in a rotation,” writes a Mississauga, Ontario resident. “At first, I thought this was an event spotlight since it was in the Christmas season, but there were no beams to the ground. Over time they joined together to make one circle in the middle then they would break apart and repeat the same rotation.”

The November 24 sighting was just one of many in 2017. And this year, there have been five sightings of UFOs in Canada, with four in eastern Canada and one in the west.

UFO Stalker

Is the truth really out there? We’re looking at you to tell us, X-Files.

Dedicated to the Collection and Dissemination of Objective UFO Data

Click Here for the Latest UFO Reports



We have updated the database of sighting reports today, Thursday, September 19, 2019, with the inclusion of 167 new reports, received via our Online Report Form since last Friday, September 13th, 2019.  Given that our staff is under severe time pressure at the time of this update, we will not feature on our homepage specific cases, save for the one report from Taos, New Mexico, which was submitted to our Center just this past week.  That case can be accessed here.

  A link to an article that appeared in the Taos News appears in a prior posting.  

We will feature certain other interesting cases when we next update our site, and will include illustrations or photos that have been submitted to our Center over recent weeks.

As always, we encourage visitors to our website to read everything we post there, but to be discriminating in what they accept at face value.  We urge everyone to be cautious about what they believe, without more evidence than what one written report, submitted by a single source, has to offer the reader.




UFO Sites

  • The Black Vault
    A website dedicated to exposing government secrets one page at a time. Contains an extensive collection of documents about UFOs and alien abductions.

  • Latest UFO Sightings
    Latest UFO Sightings is a UFO enthusiast blog that features information and videos about UFO encounters and extraterrestrials.

  • UFO-Blogger
    UFO-Blogger.com is your best source for information about Paranormal Top Secret Aliens UFO Sightings, UFOs, UFO News, Space News, Alien Sightings and UFO videos.

  • UFO Digest
    UFO Digest provides the latest UFO news and commentaries from contributors and columnists worldwide.

  • UFO Net Global
    UFO NET Global is a comprehensive network of the providers of UFO-related material on the Internet, which facilitates swift distribution of UFO-related information among its members and to the world.

  • UFO Sightings Daily
    UFO Sightings Daily was created to help organize the UFO community and to support those eyewitnesses who have tried to tell others about what they have seen, yet were laughed at by even closest of friends.

  • UFO Sightings Hotspot
    UFO Sightings Hotspot is a UFO enthusiast blog that features the latest UFO Sightings, daily UFO news, alien UFO disclosure, ancient mysteries, Moon and Mars anomalies, paranormal, spirituality and more.

The Truly Unusual

  • Alien Abduction Survey
    Take this free online survey and see if you have been abducted by aliens. The survey identifies typical experiences shared by many abductees. While it is not intended to cover all similarities, it lets you compare your experiences with those of known abductees.

  • Stop Alien Abductions - Build a Thought Screen Helmet
    Inventor Michael Menkin shows you how to make a thought screen helmet that stops alien abductions. Used by former abductees for over 16 years.

  • UFO Abduction Insurance
    Website where you can purchase $10,000,000.00 UFO Abduction Insurance. The Perfect Policy for anyone who thinks they have everything covered.