
Ufo Sightings




Because Peter Davenport, Center Director, was out of town last week, we were able to complete an update of only our database of sighting reports.  We are still attempting to catch up with the accumulated workload, and will update only the database of reports again today.  We plan to update the homepage again over the upcoming weekend, with the posting of some highlighted reports, as well as some illustrations and photographs. 

However, in brief, we would like to call people’s attention to the interesting event that occurred over the reports from the states of Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky on the morning of Friday, March 29, 2019.  Some witnesses to the event have claimed that the object they witnessed during that event was boomerang-shaped, which is altogether incompatible with a meteor.  If anyone reading this statement was witness to that event, we would like to invite the witness to submit a detailed report, using our Online Report Form on this website.

We will update again sometime during the upcoming weekend.

Posted Friday afternoon, March 29, 2019.





Our principal objective in posting this partial update is  to demonstrate to those individuals who routinely visit our website that we are still in business!!  It is not a complete update, but it will nevertheless provide visitors to our website with approximately 350 reports that have been submitted to our Center, over the past month.  Some of the reports posted on this date are older reports that have been updated and amended. 

In addition to those reports that we’ve posted here tonight, we have on file an additional 680 newly received reports, received over the past month, that will be proof-read and edited as quickly as possible…probably within the next day or two…and posted soon thereafter.  In that second update, we will highlight some of the more interesting reports we have received over recent weeks.  In addition, we will post, together with those written reports, some of the better photos and videos that have been submitted to our Center


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Friday night, January 31st, 2020, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss some of the more interesting reports that have been submitted recently to the UFO Center. 

Posted Friday evening, January 31st, 2020. 



We have received so many reports…probably in excess of 1,000 by now…from people both on the ground, as well as in flight, of a long string of small luminous objects which stretches across the night sky, we share this statement, with hope of slowing the flood of reports to our Center about the display. 

On the morning of November 11th, 2019, a large pod was launched by the Space-X Corporation from Cape Canaveral in Florida.  The pod reportedly contained in excess of 60 much smaller “micro” satellites, which are slowly being released from the main “bus.”  In addition, the “micro” satellites reportedly have a highly polished, highly reflective, outer surface, which makes them appear quite bright in the nighttime sky because of the sunlight they reflect with high efficiency.  Consequently, the cluster of satellites appears to be a long “chain” of luminous dots moving slowly, and generally to the east, across the night sky .  The display is a very dramatic in appearance, and to some witnesses, alarming, but they are just satellites of terrestrial origin, orbiting around our planet.  They are not alien spacecraft. 

Hence, we would be grateful if people would please refrain from calling our UFO Hotline to report the cluster, and from submitting written reports about them.  Each report takes a considerable amount of our time to process, which detracts from other pressing responsibilities we have in our attempt to get accurate, reliable data to the public about the UFO phenomenon.  Thank you!

Please check back to our site, within a day or two, at which time we hope to have the site updated with the latest reports.

Posted Wednesday evening, January 15, 2020.




The NUFORC website has been updated, as of this date, with the posting of 454 new sighting reports, received at our Center since Thursday, September 19th, 2019. 

Because of this unusually large number of reports over the past two weeks, and because of our haste to get them posted to our site this week, we have had to forgo a careful editing of the reports.  Consequently, there are many reports among those we have posted today that have only been visually “scanned” for profanity and personal information, and have not undergone a careful proof-reading and editing.  Hence, whereas we always caution visitors to our website to be on the alert for flawed reports, and reports which may be out-and-out hoaxes.  We expect to proof-read the reports again, and more carefully, during the upcoming weekend, and expect to post them again in “cleaner” form.  



Gallipolis, Ohio, Saturday, September 21st, 2019, @ 11:13 p.m. (Eastern)—A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witness a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near.  It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm.  The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.
Witness Report





We have updated the NUFORC website as of this date, with the posting of approximately 500 new, and revised, UFO sighting reports. 

He always urge visitors to our site to be cautious in what they accept as being true, when reading the reports.  Most of the reports we believe to be sincere and accurate, but we cannot be certain of that fact, and we are sure that some of the reports contain data that is flawed, in one way or another.  Moreover, some of the reports may be out-and-out hoaxes, so be cautious when you read any of the reports, would be our counsel.

Here are a couple of reports that in our opinion deserve special attention:


·         Leyden, Colorado, Saturday, August 31st, 2019, @ 8:08 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time)—A professional taxi driver witnesses an unusual light in the evening sky, and he captures high-quality video of the object.  There is a link to the video embedded in the text of the witness’s description.  The light is seen maneuvering extensively across the sky. 

Witness Report

New Mexico, Sunday, September 01, 2019, @ (time of day unknown)—Three elk hunters allegedly witness two alien creatures, standing upright, on a nearby hill top.  The next day, two of them return to the same area to look for evidence, and they allegedly witness an unusual looking craft resting on the ground.  ((NUFORC Note:  We are awaiting written reports from the witnesses, but post here a brief summary of a telephone conversation we had on Tuesday, September 03rd, with one of the witnesses.  ((NUFORC Note:  The witness with whom we spoke stated that no one managed to get a photo of either the alleged alien creatures, or the strange craft that was sitting on the ground, which was a bit surprising to us.  However, we learned late on the day of this posting that two of the witnesses had approached a local news outlet in the city of Taos, NM, and shared their story with a reporter, which is a very encouraging sign to us, as to the sincerity of the witnesses, and the likelihood that the story is true.  PD

 Click here to read the news story.    ))   Witness Report


We have updated our website, as of Friday, August 23, 2019, with the posting of approximately 630 new, and newly edited, UFO sighting reports, received since August 1st, 2019. 

We apologize for the long delay in updating the website, which principally was the result of a balky computer program.  In addition, a public presentation by Peter Davenport, several groups of guests and overnight house guests, and a myriad of other demands on our time, from all directions, all played a role in the delay, as well.  However, we expect to have our computer problems solved today, or within several days, which will make the processing of reports a much less time-consuming task, and which should have us back to keeping to our traditional schedule of updating the website on a weekly basis. 

there are many interesting, and compelling, reports, among the ones we’ve posted today, but we highlight below a few that especially caught our attention:


·         NJ Garden State Parkway (near Exit 38 B), New Jersey, Monday, August 12, 2019, @ 9:00 p.m. (Eastern)—A husband and wife were driving north on the NJ Garden State Parkway, when their attention was drawn to two peculiar white lights that appeared to be approaching their location.  Suddenly, they realized that the lights were affixed to a very large, triangular craft, which maneuvered to above the highway and hovered.  The witnesses could see “windows” on the top of the craft, from which light appeared to emanate.  Traffic was passing underneath the craft.  ((NUFORC Note:  We spoke with the wife, and found her to be exceptionally eloquent, and seemingly, quite serious-minded about the sighting she and her husband allegedly had experienced.))  Witness Report

·         Weehawken, New Jersey, on August 20, 2019, @ 3:00 a.m. (Eastern)—An adult male witnessed a bright star-like object hovering in the early morning sky.  The object began to move across the sky, moving to the east, and was joined by a second similar-looking object.  We believe that the video we provide here is video provided by the witness through Mr. William Westhoven, who works as a journalist for the Daily Record newspaper in Rockaway Township, NJ. Witness Report    







We expect to update the site again, within the next several days.

Posted Friday afternoon, August 23, 2019.










We have updated our website as of this date, with the posting of approximately 52 reports that have been received via our Online Report Form since Friday afternoon, February 22, 2019.  A few of the cases that attracted our attention are the following:

·         Birmingham, Alabama, Monday, February 18, 2019, @ 9:30 p.m. (EST)—A husband and wife witness 14 strangely lighted objects pass overhead, each traveling in the same flight path as the others.  The husband is a retired FBI Special Agent. 

Witness Report

·         Millinocket, Maine, Saturday, February 23, 2019, @ 7:00 p.m. (EST)—A husband and wife witness a self-luminous, egg-shaped object move rapidly across the nighttime sky.  It appeared to leave a faint trail behind it.


Witness Report

·         Little Lorraine, Nova Scotia, Saturday, February 23, 2019 @ 7:45 p.m. (local)—A husband and wife witness a very peculiar looking orange light that moved rapidly across the nighttime sky.  During the brief, 10-second sighting, the object changed color from orange, to red, and back to orange.  The peculiar object appeared to the witnesses to leave an orange, “flame colored,” streak across the sky. 

Witness Report


Peter is scheduled to make his regular weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by George Noory, on Friday night, March 01st, 2019, at approximate 10:15 p.m..

Posted Thursday, February 28, 2019.





We have updated our website, as of this date, July 25th, with the posting of 262 new sighting reports which have been submitted to our Center, via our Online Report Form, since July 12th, 2019.  And for the second time, over the past four weeks, we feel duty-bound to alert visitors to our site to be particularly vigilant for flawed or prank cases, given that, once again, we have not had the time this week to devote as much time to the screening, proof-reading, and minor editing of the new cases that we feel should be devoted to that effort.  Consequently, we urge those who read the reports to be on the lookout for dates and time that seem inappropriate; for the inclusion of personal data in the text of the report; and any indicator that the case might be a hoax.  Most of all, we apologize any oversight we may have committed in an all too cursory screening process regarding any coarse language that missed our attention, or other offensive content.  If a reader finds what appears to be a glitch in a report, please send an alert to director@ufocenter.com , and I will deal with the issue forthwith. 



Several visitors to our site have commented that they would like to see more photos, videos, and illustrations than the ones we have posted in month past.  We are aware of the paucity of graphics, and will begin a special effort to post more of them than we have done in the past.  The principal limiting factor has been the time that processing illustrations takes, in order to get them to the homepage…and not just Peter’s time, but the time it takes our webmaster to process and post them.  Our webmaster, Christian, is usually as pressed for time by his normal job, as Peter Davenport is in collecting, processing, and conveying it to the webmaster.



Peter is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on Coast to Coast AM radio, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Thursday night, July 25th, 2019, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific). 



Peter is scheduled to speak at the Mile High Mystery Conference, to be held in Denver during the weekend of September 20, 21st, and 22nd, 2019.  More information can be obtained at the Conference website, www.milehighmysteryconference.com.  We hope to see you there!

Also, Peter has been invited to make a short presentation at the MUFON monthly meeting, scheduled to take place in Spokane, Washington, on Saturday, August 10th.  Time and location will be posted here next week, or more information can be obtained by contacting Maurene Morgan, MUFON State Director for Washington State, at Olympic.ufo@gmail.com. 

Time permitting, we will attempt to post more material over the upcoming weekend, to include some illustrations.


Posted Thursday afternoon, Thursday, July 25th, 2019.





Beginning on June 18, NUFORC has been receiving reports of apparently high-altitude, brightly illuminated, seemingly spherical objects in the daytime sky.  This type of object has been reported to our Center from Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon, California, and perhaps other states, as well.  Our original suspicion was that the objects were helium-filled balloons, launched by either a government organization, or by a private company, but no news agency we are aware of has been able to identify the organization that has launched them.  WHIO-TV in Dayton, Ohio, reported last week that their offices had contacted the U. S. Air Force, DARPA, the FAA, and Google, and perhaps other companies that also are know to launch large balloons, and all of them declined any knowledge about the craft.


What NUFORC finds curious about the objects is that they are reported to appear in clusters of up to three objects (Please see June 18 sighting report from Germantown, OH.), and they are reported by some witnesses to remain in one small area of the sky for upwards of two hours, and in unwavering formation, relative to each other. 

Other interesting facts surrounding the objects is that several witnesses have reported to NUFORC that the objects suddenly just disappeared from their sight, and that the object seemed to accelerate very quickly and go streaking out of sight, as well.

  We are very interested in the phenomenon, despite the fact that we have scant evidence about it.  Consequently, we would request that anyone who knows what the source of any launched balloons might be to contact our Center and share any evidence they may have that would serve to explain the phenomenon.  Thank you!



We probably will update the website again before July 4th, but in the event we are unable to do so, we would take this opportunity to wish every American a Happy Independence Day!


Posted on Thursday afternoon, June 27th, 2019







We have just updated the NUFORC website, with the posting of 97 new sighting reports, which have been submitted to our Center since Friday afternoon, April 12th, 2019.  In addition to those newly received reports, we have reposted seven older reports, which we have either corrected, or amended in one way or another.

Whenever we post new reports, we always post a cautionary note, urging visitors to our website to be on the lookout for flawed, or hoaxed, reports.  Given the large number of prank telephone calls we are receiving over our UFO telephone Hotline, we strongly suspect that this unfortunate phenomenon is spilling over to our Online Report Form.  We apologize for any flawed reports that appear on our website, but we are unable to control what people may submit to our Center. 

We highlight below a few reports that have captured our attention:

·         Apache Junction, Arizona, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, @ 6:00 p.m. (Pacific)—An adult male reports witnessing a very small object, hovering seemingly motionless in the evening sky.  The object remained visible until after sunset.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possibly a high-altitude, helium-filled balloon, we wonder?  PD))  Witness Report

·         Los Angeles, California, Sunday, April 14, 2019, @ 11:08 a.m. (Pacific)—A person, who elects to remain anonymous, reports having witnessed a bright object in the morning sky above Los Angeles.  Objects seems to the witness to appear, disappear, and then reappear multiple times.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possibly a high-altitude, helium-filled balloon, we wonder?  PD))   Witness Report

·         San Diego, California, Monday, April 15, 2019, @ 10:35 a.m. (Pacific)—Three adults witness a very small object, hovering motionless, in the cloudless morning sky.  High-quality photo provided by witness indicates a tiny, light-colored object, backdropped by a blue morning sky.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possibly a high-altitude, helium-filled balloon, we wonder?  PD))  Witness Report



Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Thursday night, April 18, 2019.  Peter will discuss the three cases highlighted above, in addition to several others. 


Posted on Thursday evening, April 18, 2019. 



July 19, 1974, at Balcarce, Argentina, disc-shaped metal-looking flying object approached an automobile driven Sr. Antonio Le Pere. It was near 18:00 hours when Le Pere noticed the intruder keeping pace with him from a position only a few hundred meters to his left, and barely 10 meters above the ground there. He slowed his automobile as he worked on his camera to take a picture, before it started climbing and flew away. Le Pere took the pictures through the rolled down window on the driver's side of the car, shooting over his left arm holding the steering wheel. The object was of a coppery-brownish smooth finished reflective material like metal, or something between a metal and ceramic finish.It had a raised dome on the top surface of the craft, and seemed to have a reddish glow either on the rim edge or surrounding the rim very closely to the ship. The strange machine flew a steady course and was quite obviously under intelligent control.
The Secret KGB UFO Files, The Russian Crash of 1969 The details of a Russian Crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body. The event itself, according to the files, occurred in the state of Sverdlovsky, which was formerly Yekatrinburg of the USSR. The crash story follows a familiar pattern normally associated with this type of report. The fiery crash of an unknown object occurred in March 1969. The site was secured by the Russian military, and one dead alien was found in the wreckage. The remains of the craft and alien were brought to a secure location, and the alien body was autopsied. Both still and moving pictures were taken of the craft, its retrieval, and the alien autopsy. The autopsy shows only an alien torso and arm. From the size of the body parts, the alien would have been an extremely small being.

  The TNT special features Roger Moore, veteran actor and former James Bond, who discusses other UFO events, along with interviews with UFO experts, CIA agents, and other film. Probably the most notable footage is from MIG gun cameras of confrontations with UFOs. There have been only a few still frames of this footage in America, and I have not been able as of this writing, 11-01-2002, to obtain the videos. The show itself is mediocre, and its only redeeming quality is the presentation of the UFO crash story. Supposedly, the crash story was validated by secret KGB documents.
The footage at the crash site does seem to be authentic at least on several points. The truck in the film is a circa 1950 model ZIS151, which has not been used by the military for quite some time, and the truck would have been difficult to find to stage a hoax with. Other elements of the film do not exhibit any obvious signs of a hoax, as to the movement of the soldiers, the timing of the film as to shadows, and the UFO itself.

  There are also several documents shown to verify the event itself, and an eyewitness to the event who swears that the recovery mission did occur. The footage of the autopsy film shows personnel without caps and gowns, which seemed odd to me at first, but after some research I found that this was commonplace for that era in Russia.
The furnishings in the room are acceptable, and in Russia have probably not changed much today. Three men in their 20's and 30's are performing the procedure, and one woman is taking notes. The note taker is identified as KGB stenographer O. A. Pshonikina. The alien's torso and arm are lying together on the table as the autopsy is performed, and there are documents shown to support the autopsy. Although the USA-Russia relationship is much improved over a few years ago, it still lacks. Any information received is subject to translation, and often times there are problems with interpretation. It is sad there is not more cooperation between the two countries. The case of the 1969 retrieval and autopsy are difficult to assess. Until more information is uncovered, it will remain unsubstantiated.
UFO's In The Nasa Archives 2012. Alien UFO Film. Film And Edit By Jason Kirby. Music By Niklas Stagvall. Short UFO Film Featuring UFO's From The Nasa Space Archives. Much Of The Images And Film Used In This Presentation Is From The Apollo Days, Hence Picture Quality.

Witness Background: AIRLINE PILOT. RATED ON B737 B757 B767

Reported Sighting? Yes
Location: MIAMI, FL, USA
Age: 33

Source: Afrikaanse Sonntagzeitung Rapport (South Africa), Apr. 2, 1995 "Alien flying object lands to repair hole in its hull, says farmer" An alien flying object that had the entire region in turmoil this week with its colorful capers in the sky above the northern provinces could easily perform its maneuvers, it seems, even though it was dented and required a major repair job.

When a local farmer from Groot Marico in the western Transvaal plains region first observed the saucer-shaped object on Thursday morning, he noticed that it had a distinctly visible hole in its hull. The farmer, Mr. Jan Pienaar (45), is of the opinion that this "vehicle" landed on a remote country road between Coligny and Brakspruit to have its damaged hull repaired. However, his arrival probably prompted the "vehicle's" hasty retreat and rapid ascent into the sky. Mr. Pienaar stated that his near head-on collision with the alien flying craft from space was something very extraordinary for him, and that he would not forget this event for the rest of his life. He had difficulty describing the sensation of complete perplexity during his 3-4 minute encounter.
Pienaar explained: "It was about 8:30 a.m. when I came around a curve in the road and saw a black man shielding his face with his arm as though he wanted to ward off something. At that exact moment the engine of my brand new, small truck stopped. I looked up and saw the most incredible sight: Roughly 80 meters [240 feet] on the road in front of me stood the huge craft that rested on three landing pods. It extended over the entire width of the road and was about 8-9 meters [24-36'] high. The entire unit was translucent and lustrous as though it had been fabricated from a type of stainless steel. It had the form of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top. It appeared as though this upper level had seven windows or portholes. A red-violet-green-yellow glow emanated from somewhere and illuminated the hull. In the sheen of the light I was able to recognize that the flying craft had problems because there was a dent with a hole of a little less than 2 feet on the seam around the edge.

I could not see any beings in the vicinity, only the strange ‘craft’ which buzzed like a gigantic electric beater. I got out of my small truck but suddenly I could not make another step. It was as though a magnet held me on the same spot. I stood like this for three to four minutes when the craft suddenly rose into the air.

  First it lifted up like a helicopter high into the sky, then it sped like lightening on a course toward heaven." Mr. Pienaar told us that it took some time before he regained his senses, and when he got into his truck and turned on the ignition, the engine immediately started up again. After this incident he continued to look for the black man whom he had noticed previously because he wondered what had become of him. All he could see were the old man's tailcoats flapping in the wind as he hastily peddled his bicycle down the dusty road. From a nearby farm, Pienaar called the police and was told that the alien flying object apparently had been observed previously the night before in various locations above the northern provinces. Thirty minutes after the phone call, Mr. Pienaar drove back to the spot where he had experienced his incident with the flying craft. This time he was accompanied by Mr. Chap Smit, a farmer from the region. They stopped the truck on the spot where Pienaar had seen the flying object and exited the car. The ground on the landing site was scorching hot to the touch and could have easily burned a person's hand. There was a strange lingering odor in the air -- almost like chloroform. The old, black man had disappeared in the meantime and there was no sign of him anywhere.  

NASA's very own UFO sighting's. A compilation of NASA footage from various missions and spaceflights with both mission control and astronauts reporting and commenting on the UFO's they are seeing. During one of the last segments of the video you will clearly hear them state "WE
have an unidentified flying object" These are highly trained professionals. Trained to observe and report.They are not reporting an ice particle, they are not reporting debris, or natural phenomena. They are reporting an unidentified FLYING object.

Best Ufo Sighting 2012

Observation of craft:
Discovered the craft due east in my field of view and the craft was traveling north. I estimate the craft was ¾ to 1 mile from my position. I estimated altitude 200-350 feet from ground traveling 70-110 knots “banking” (more like floating) towards the port/left. Craft leveled off traveling towards the NE and became undetectable as it became level, in perfect stealth. The craft seem to “float” like observed satellites float in an arc across the sky, but this craft floated in a straight line close the earth. The size of the craft was as big as a 747 or at least ¾ of a football field.
Personal notation:
I was going out to drop some recycling material at 12:18AM PST and heard or sensed something very subtle in the sky. Directly in front of me due East, I looked up 45 degrees and saw clearly a perfect black triangle. The craft had lights on two sides of it and they were no brighter than dim stars, but they were all uniformly spaced and of the same color. The craft was traveling north. I was dumbstruck as the craft made barely, if any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was floating and banking left traveling towards the Northeast. I use the term “banking” lightly because it was not relying on the air to bank, it was more like it was just righting itself to level as it floated. I strained to hear anything and could not, but sensed great power or energy. I was amazed at the razor sharp edges of the triangle and was struck by the clarity of the salmon colored lights that ran up one side of the triangle leading edge and up the other side but not on the part of the triangle which was on the back.
I remember thinking, those lights are designed to be subtle and not seen. I saw that the craft was leveling off and as soon as it did it completely disappeared.(This next part is based on human intuition and is understandably arbitrary) I remember thinking "ok, is that one of us?" but I didn't get the feeling that it was. Something didn't feel right. I felt like there were people onboard but the feeling I had was that they were super intelligent, like test pilots (I have an old acquaintance who was a test pilot and he was the smartest person I have ever met) but that they were with some power or government that superseded everything. I felt that the people onboard had a sort of clincal super intelligence, if a person can sense such things like this. That's just what I felt, I can't dismiss or excuse it.
My overall feeling was one of amazement, also a very ominous feeling which turned into excitement and fear. Here’s the sad part of this… I had been doing night photography for the last couple of nights and had my digital camera ON.MY.NECK, but I knew that I couldn’t dig it out of it’s bag, power up, switch it to manual, turn the iso to max, the f-stop to max and a 1/3 second exposure, as I was wrapped up trying to soak in as much detail as possible. I just didn’t have time and I knew it instinctively.

UFO sightings 2013 - Interesting footage of a unidentified flying object or some kind of sphere that completely stops while flying in the sky above Melbourne in Australia. This was recorded earlier this month (in January 2013).

Observation of craft:
Discovered the craft due east in my field of view and the craft was traveling north. I estimate the craft was ¾ to 1 mile from my position. I estimated altitude 200-350 feet from ground traveling 70-110 knots “banking” (more like floating) towards the port/left. Craft leveled off traveling towards the NE and became undetectable as it became level, in perfect stealth. The craft seem to “float” like observed satellites float in an arc across the sky, but this craft floated in a straight line close the earth. The size of the craft was as big as a 747 or at least ¾ of a football field.
Personal notation:
I was going out to drop some recycling material at 12:18AM PST and heard or sensed something very subtle in the sky. Directly in front of me due East, I looked up 45 degrees and saw clearly a perfect black triangle. The craft had lights on two sides of it and they were no brighter than dim stars, but they were all uniformly spaced and of the same color. The craft was traveling north. I was dumbstruck as the craft made barely, if any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was floating and banking left traveling towards the Northeast. I use the term “banking” lightly because it was not relying on the air to bank, it was more like it was just righting itself to level as it floated. I strained to hear anything and could not, but sensed great power or energy. I was amazed at the razor sharp edges of the triangle and was struck by the clarity of the salmon colored lights that ran up one side of the triangle leading edge and up the other side but not on the part of the triangle which was on the back.
I remember thinking, those lights are designed to be subtle and not seen. I saw that the craft was leveling off and as soon as it did it completely disappeared.(This next part is based on human intuition and is understandably arbitrary) I remember thinking "ok, is that one of us?" but I didn't get the feeling that it was. Something didn't feel right. I felt like there were people onboard but the feeling I had was that they were super intelligent, like test pilots (I have an old acquaintance who was a test pilot and he was the smartest person I have ever met) but that they were with some power or government that superseded everything. I felt that the people onboard had a sort of clincal super intelligence, if a person can sense such things like this. That's just what I felt, I can't dismiss or excuse it.
My overall feeling was one of amazement, also a very ominous feeling which turned into excitement and fear. Here’s the sad part of this… I had been doing night photography for the last couple of nights and had my digital camera ON.MY.NECK, but I knew that I couldn’t dig it out of it’s bag, power up, switch it to manual, turn the iso to max, the f-stop to max and a 1/3 second exposure, as I was wrapped up trying to soak in as much detail as possible. I just didn’t have time and I knew it instinctively.

12:19AM May 13, 2005
Location: Kirkland, WA
Weather: Light stratus towards the West, clear towards the East Light Pollution: moderate due to ambient light and humidity seemed high as stars were not well visible. The sky was one or two hues lighter than its normal black due to humidity and light pollution. My view of craft was 45 degrees up from terra facing due East.

Object: Perfect black triangle with 9 orange/yellowish lights on two sides of triangle, one on tip four following each leading edge, with none on stern/back end of triangle. The color of the lights was a very light salmon/orange yellow. The lights glowed with barely detectible movement similar to air heating phenomena which you see on heated roadways, but in this case the area was confined to the lights themselves.

Observation of craft:
Discovered the craft due east in my field of view and the craft was traveling north. I estimate the craft was ¾ to 1 mile from my position. I estimated altitude 200-350 feet from ground traveling 70-110 knots “banking” (more like floating) towards the port/left. Craft leveled off traveling towards the NE and became undetectable as it became level, in perfect stealth. The craft seem to “float” like observed satellites float in an arc across the sky, but this craft floated in a straight line close the earth. The size of the craft was as big as a 747 or at least ¾ of a football field.
Personal notation:
I was going out to drop some recycling material at 12:18AM PST and heard or sensed something very Vsubtle in the sky. Directly in front of me due East, I looked up 45 degrees and saw clearly a perfect black triangle. The craft had lights on two sides of it and they were no brighter than dim stars, but they were all uniformly spaced and of the same color. The craft was traveling north. I was dumbstruck as the craft made barely, if any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was floating and banking left traveling towards the Northeast. I use the term “banking” lightly because it was not relying on the air to bank, it was more like it was just righting itself to level as it floated. I strained to hear anything and could not, but sensed great power or energy. I was amazed at the razor sharp edges of the triangle and was struck by the clarity of the salmon colored lights that ran up one side of the triangle leading edge and up the other side but not on the part of the triangle which was on the back.
I remember thinking, those lights are designed to be subtle and not seen. I saw that the craft was leveling off and as soon as it did it completely disappeared.(This next part is based on human intuition and is understandably arbitrary) I remember thinking "ok, is that one of us?" but I didn't get the feeling that it was. Something didn't feel right. I felt like there were people onboard but the feeling I had was that they were super intelligent, like test pilots (I have an old acquaintance who was a test pilot and he was the smartest person I have ever met) but that they were with some power or government that superseded everything. I felt that the people onboard had a sort of clincal super intelligence, if a person can sense such things like this. That's just what I felt, I can't dismiss or excuse it.
My overall feeling was one of amazement, also a very ominous feeling which turned into excitement and fear. Here’s the sad part of this… I had been doing night photography for the last couple of nights and had my digital camera ON.MY.NECK, but I knew that I couldn’t dig it out of it’s bag, power up, switch it to manual, turn the iso to max, the f-stop to max and a 1/3 second exposure, as I was wrapped up trying to soak in as much detail as possible. I just didn’t have time and I knew it instinctively.


 TOP SECRET military group called into action by United States presidential order to investigate and conceal real alien and UFO encounters. Written by Jim Marrs, New York Times best-selling author of Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy.
Virginia man, reporting that his wife witnessed something strange late in the night, during a storm that hit our area the previous day (Clifton is approximately 12 miles west of Springfield, in which Multiple luminous spheres during thunderstorm I reside). Email sighting account in part: "We had a power outage last night and my wife was awakened by the answering machine clicking on and off as the power tried to recover, and then it went out completely. She went to the front door to see if it was raining or windy and saw a very large object hovering over a nearby house about an 1/8 of a mile from our house. It was larger than the house, seemed to be at an angle to her view with the bottom exposed and had lights all around it evenly spaced. When it began to move away, several lightning flashes were seen and then it was gone. The power returned two hours later".
A second email was received the next day stating that he had a chance to talk to his wife about this sighting and he added that it would seem that his wife might have actually observed "balls of lightning". He also wrote: "what she describes sounds just like a multiple ball lightning display which she says disappeared as she watched it, and then a bolt of lightning went up into the space above the house from the ground to where the lights had appeared to be". A little more details were obtained during a telephone interview that was conducted March 31st. Sighting took place around 12:30 AM, March 23, during a thunderstorm, as she was facing south, towards Manassas. The length of the appearance lasted just a few seconds, from the "balls of light" formation to the vertical lightning flash.
It is my belief that this incident may have been a natural, Rare Atmospheric Phenomena (RAP) involving multiple ball lightning, or Mobile Luminous Spheres. To be a witness of one or two of these lightning balls are rare but witnessing a group of ten or more is phenomenal! According to Dominion Virginia Power website, their electrical outage legend summary dated 3/23/2005, indicated that there were about 24 homes that were affected by this storm in the Northern Virginia's Fairfax County area. March 23rd temperature: 44 degrees, cloudy with rain, average humidity 81, wind 13 mph NE.
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