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We Are Not Alone -Worldwide UFOS

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We share the Truth about Strange Happenings on our Earth,

By now, you probably know that we are living on Earth, which is in the Milky Way, which is merely one galaxy out of over 100 billion, which is part of one universe (or more, if and only if the theory of the multiverse is correct). You likely ponder whether we are the only life form to exist. Stop wasting your time; we obviously are not alone. Remember that number from the previous sentence—100 billion—and ask yourself whether it would make sense that we are the only unique planet to house life in over 100,000,000,000 galaxies. The number of planets is far greater than that; in the Milky Way alone, there are roughly 30 billion planets. Therefore, there are likely at least 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (three quintillion) planets in existence. To think we are alone is ludicrous. It is more than that, really; it is an outrage. Do not be blinded by those who would say otherwise. Open your eyes! The question you should be asking is not, ‘Are we alone,’ but rather, ‘When and how we will meet our neighboring beings.’  

Just as you are only one of 7.5 billion people on Earth, so too is Earth merely one planet out of three quintillion and counting. When you think about this, it is pretty mind boggling. We are not alone, nor were we ever. There are billions of people living in other planets around the world. At this very moment, those beings, who are light years away from Earth, are wondering the same thing. Perhaps they are more intelligent than us, or perhaps they are far from our intelligence level. Whatever the case may be, they are there, and they are likely looking for us just the same as we are looking for them. We do not have to see them to believe they exist. This holds true with all things. Seeing is not believing. Believing is placing your faith in someone or something even though they are not physically there with you. The phenomena we call ‘life’ is, in fact, not limited to Earth, alone. Though many claim there is no life in the Milky Way, we cannot ever know that for sure. Even though a planet’s surface may be uninhabitable to humans, that does not mean life does not exist there. Even though scientists have claimed that there is no way life can be sustained in Venus, Mars, Neptune, or any of the other planets, think again. There is no possible way everything can be surveyed and monitored on the surface of a planet. For all we know, there might be additional life forms on Earth that we do not yet know about.  

‘Aliens’ are called ‘aliens’ for a reason. They have differing characteristics about their forms that allow them to live in certain atmospheres over others (Keep in mind that ‘alien’ life likely does not reflect the images of aliens seen in movies. Rather, it is far more probable that they share similarities to humans and are perhaps taller or shorter than we are).  

To say that there is no life in our solar system is an outrage! We cannot know this any more than we can know what the person beside us is thinking at this very moment in time. As much as we can make assumptions, we cannot ever know! It is a disgrace against humans to say that we know for sure about anything. Proven fact can be unproven with additional knowledge or evidence. As humans, we possess the capabilities of exploring ourselves, others, the world around us, and how we interact with those around us. We must express our freedoms and apply them to everyday life. Nothing is set in stone, and everything can be argued one way or another. Life itself is an art. There is no one clear-cut answer. So, again, to say that there is no life other than our own is preposterous.  

Of course, Earth has existed for 4.543 billion years to date, so why exactly has extraterrestrial life not yet made themselves known to us? Well, perhaps they are in the same position as us and cannot seem to figure out if they are alone. Or, perhaps they simply know we exist and choose to not interfere with our world, in order to see how we pan out in the next 4.5 billion years. Perhaps they are judging our ability as a planet to work together as one unit, rather than as 7.5 billion individuals in order to solve some of the great problems we face, such as climate change, pollution, and most importantly, the overpopulation of Earth and depletion of resources at an exponential rate.  

If our own planet has a diameter of 7,918 miles and is home to almost 8 billion people to date, then what is to say against the potential that another planet might be home to 15 billion or 50 billion. Perhaps there are some planets that are only home to one or two people and are yet to be underway with the expansion and evolution of their life forms. We may very well be the only planet with population issues, or we may be a part of a much larger scale of planets, all of which may share problems of our own.  

For all we know, our planet may have started long after others in existence. Earth, water, fire, and air may have first been discovered one million light years away from Earth. For all we know, distant planets may have discovered the elixir of eternal life and sources of magical prowess. What we see in movies and read in books may potentially transfer to our own world. Never shut down the possibility of the impossible. The impossible becomes possible when you wholeheartedly believe it can become so.  

I implore you to see reason. I implore you to open your eyes to the sky and to the endless possibilities there are for alien life. I implore you to ponder these great, argumentative, and intellectual questions. For if we do not, no one will. If we remain hidden in the shadow to such intelligent ideas, we willingly defer our full potential as human beings. This world, apparently, is not enough. It never was, never is, and never will be. Our scope of exploration will forever mature until we have answers to our long-sought, intellectual questions. Our questions will only answer themselves if we seek the answers. Then, and only then, can we exhibit our full potential as human beings. The day we find ourselves staring, face to face, into the eyes of alien life is the day the human race meets its match. The question then becomes, ‘How will we live alongside those who would seek to either harm us or praise us?’

Truth and Lies about UFOs, Other Humanities, and Our Future.

And Many Other Ufo Sighttings on our Website


UFO sightings: 

Throughout the month of July 1952, a series of sightings known as the “Big Flap” put Washington D.C. residents into a panic. It began July 19: Repeated radar blips and sightings of lights moving at irregular speeds and trajectories (unusual enough to rule out shooting stars or aircraft) inspired the U.S. Air Force to send fighter jets into the sky to intercept what was assumed to be enemy aircraft and possibly a Soviet-led invasion. The radar signals disappeared each time jet fighters approached and reappeared when they moved away. The signals returned the following week, two more F-94 jets gave chase, and the blips vanished again. One jet pilot claimed to see a light in the distance, but couldn't close in on it. The government ruled it a “temperature inversion” to explain the mystery away.

UFO sightings: 


Veteran World War II B-25 fighter pilot George F. Gorman had a 27-minute sky encounter with a white ball of light over Fargo, North Dakota, on Oct. 1, 1948. Known as the “Gorman Dogfight,” Gorman saw what he described as a flying disk with clear edges and many bright lights that he pursued for the better part of half an hour. Gorman attempted to make contact with the craft, which dodged Gorman's advances at speeds in excess of 600 miles per hour. His story was verified by two air traffic controllers and another pilot flying in Fargo that night.


UFO sightings: 


Two triangular UFOs with three blue lights were spotted over Cheyenne's countryside on March 4, 2019, just a few weeks after almost a dozen multicolored lights were recorded traveling north over Riverton at various altitudes. Local residents' tendencies to look skyward is perhaps best illustrated in Green River: When a comet crashed into Jupiter in 1994, Wyoming's Green River city council turned its local airstrip into a refuge for potentially fleeing Jovians. The "Greater Green River Intergalactic Spaceport" has to date only shown evidence of terrestrial life.


 UFO sightings:

Two of the most iconic flying saucer photos of the ‘60s were snapped in 1967 in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The first, on June 10, was taken by Harold A. Trudel, who pulled his car over in East Woonsocket in order to wait for a UFO sighting (several of which he claimed to have already experienced in the area). The seven images he captured over the course of five minutes have long been disputed. The other photo was captured on June 18 and bears striking similarities to the craft another man, George Adamski, claimed to have captured on film in 1952 (which one German scientist said was nothing more than a faked photo using a surgical lamp).





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Truth and Lies about UFOs, Other Humanities, and Our Future.


We Are Not Alone

K2-18 B, an earth-like planet with water vapour is spotted 111 light years away. An interstellar object christened Oumuamua flies through our solar system exhibiting characteristics never seen before in an asteroid. Scientists discover intriguing radio wave emissions coming from Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the sun. These are just some of a growing number of observations that have scientists excited about proving the existence of alien life. Statistical probabilities support this view - the Kepler Space Telescope has identified billions of planets theoretically capable of supporting life. To meaningfully advance the science of astrobiology humanity needs to abandon the longstanding and pervasive view that we are alone in the universe.

Skeptics say that given the immense age of the observable universe there should be some evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, but instead all we hear and see is silence. These same scientists argue that the ability of a planet to make the jump from inanimate matter to life - known as abiogenesis - and then to stay alive and become intelligent - requires highly unlikely transitions. Earth and humans are special. Our existence represents an incredible fluke and the statistical probability of it happening elsewhere is all but impossible. In sum, we are alone.




  Signs of alien life on Earth 

Many people believe that there is not only life on other planets but that these
life forms have visited Earth and, in some cases, helped to populate it. Therehave been many UFOs spotted in the skies throughout human history, whichhas often been documented in art and hieroglyphics. In fact, quite a few peoplewho believe in aliens still point to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Gizaand these hieroglyphics as proof that alien life has left its mark. There have alsobeen unexplained events that people believe are caused by visitors from anotherplanet. Some of these even appear to have evidence to back up the claims beingmade. Though there are many unanswered questions regarding aliens visitingour planet, many believe that is what the U.S. government has truly beenstudying at Area 51 in Nevada.Where will we find proof of alien life first? Only time will tell


Ancient Aliens explores the Ancient Astronaut Theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY® series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age-old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?

6 Signs Proving We Are Not Alone InThe Universe

Are we alone in the universe? This is a question that has intrigued the minds ofhumanity since the beginning of our existence. The more advances we make inscientific exploration, the more we learn about what makes life possible here onEarth. We have also learned more about the universe around us throughinnovations, such as the Hubble Telescope and the many probes and rovers thatwe have sent out to explore other planets in our solar system. With all theinformation we have gathered, it is safe to say that we are probably not alone inthe universe. In fact, experts at NASA believe that we will find signs of alienlife in the next ten years. So let’s look at some of the evidence that we haveuncovered which proves we are not alone.




  • -UFO sightings:

    Maryland’s most famous UFO sighting is likely that of Alvin Cohen and Phillip Small, who around midnight on Oct. 26, 1958, were driving past the Loch Raven Reservoir in Towson, Maryland. The men said they saw a giant, iridescent object floating over a bridge. The car, including the electrical system, died as the men pulled forward. The oval-shaped craft continued to float briefly before letting out a flash of light, a burst of heat, and a noise before shooting further up into the sky and vanishing. The state keeps stories like this alive with the annual Gambrills, Maryland, event, “Mysteries of Space and Sky,” which focuses on a science-based approach to investigating extraterrestrial activity.

  • UFO sightings: 

    Floridians count many believers among them; and hundreds of folks have come forward with tales of holograms, abductions, odd spacecraft, lights in the sky, and everything in between over the years. Many UFO sightings have been debunked, including two 2018 incidents of a butterfly mistaken for alien craft over a Floridian swamp; and Tallahassee parachuters who got confused with UFOs.

  • - UFO sightings:

    A series of 2012 reports in Connecticut described a still-unsolved incident of a mysterious falling object that allegedly vanished into Bantam Lake, and the internet all but exploded when almost 13,000 UFO documents—which included dozens of eyewitness accounts based in Connecticut stretching back to the 1940s—were released on The Black Vault website. These and other unexplained activities are covered each month at the Connecticut chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, an organization of alien enthusiasts striving to verify or debunk stories of strange sightings and otherworldly encounters.

  • - UFO sightings:

    Each year, the Kelly Little Green Men Days Festival commemorates the Aug. 21, 1955, alien invasion of the farm of Elmer Sutton. That ambush allegedly involved a small group of alien creatures descending from their spacecraft outside of Sutton's farmhouse to the horror of him and his family, which included five adults and seven children.

  • - UFO sightings:

    Being home to Roswell and virtually thousands of statewide tales of alien contact and UFO sightings, New Mexico’s history is inextricably tied to our fascination with possible alien life. In 1947, numerous eyewitnesses in Roswell claimed to have seen (or helped to cover up) a UFO crash site. Today, tourists can get their alien fixes at theInternational UFO Museum and Research Center, where you can learn about the most famous (and many obscure) claims of extraterrestrial activity and alien abduction in the U.S. and world.
